HEADER,discount_id,starts_at,ends_at,status,usage_limit,channel_settings REQUIRED?,REQUIRED,,,,, EXPLANATION,A unique discount code presented to customers,"The date (YYYY-MM-DD) the discount will start being available. The date must not be in the past. If blank, the start date will be the date the discount is created.","The date (YYYY-MM-DD) the discount will be deactivated and stop being available. If blank, the discount will not expire.","The initial status of the discount. If blank, the discount will default to `enabled`.","The maximum number of purchases a discount can be applied to. If blank, there will be no limit on the number of uses. This is often used when creating unique discount codes for individual customers.","If provided, must be a valid JSON object with the following rules: - Keys must be one or more of: `api`, `customer_portal`, `merchant_portal`, `checkout_page` - Values must be either true or false in the format: `{""can_apply"": false}` If blank, the discount can be applied through all channels." OPTIONS,,,,enabled or disabled,, EXAMPLE,discount123,2022-02-13,2022-02-19,enabled,1,"{""api"": {""can_apply"": true}, ""checkout_page"": {""can_apply"": true}, ""customer_portal"": {""can_apply"": true}, ""merchant_portal"": {""can_apply"": true}}"